The reasons he’s no longer that into you

Perhaps he doesn’t let you near his phone? Or he never answers his phone when you’re around? He’s still playing the field. ILLUSTRATION | IGAH

What you need to know:

  • Maybe he’s already got what he wanted from you. Sex. Maybe he just wants as many girls as he can get. Maybe he just doesn’t know what he wants. 
  • He doesn’t take your calls, never calls back, takes ages to reply to messages? He’s forever flaking on plans? You don’t see him for days on end? There’s someone else.
  • Even as early as your first date you can get a strong indication of how things will turn out.

Why does a guy suddenly lose interest?

Maybe because he’s found someone else. Or didn’t want a real relationship in the first place.

Maybe he’s too busy at work. Or you lived too far apart, or you scarcely ever managed to meet up.

Maybe he decided you don’t have feelings for him, and gave up.

Maybe you do something he doesn’t like. Like never putting your phone down. Being weird about food. Drinking too much. Crying at the dinner table. Being far too interested in his income or exes. Stalking him on Facebook. Huge gushy texts.

Maybe you thought he was interested when he wasn’t. Not every crush loves you back.

Maybe he only really enjoys the chase, and once he’s got the girl he’s bored.

Maybe he’s already got what he wanted from you. Sex. Maybe he just wants as many girls as he can get. Maybe he just doesn’t know what he wants. 

But you know something? Men are more straightforward than you think. And so you can always see the signs that say things won’t work out.


So believe him if he says he isn’t sure how he feels about you, or isn’t ready to commit! He’s telling the truth.

Let him go if he talks about his ex too much. He has unresolved issues.

Forget him if he hasn’t actually taken you out. Texting for weeks isn’t a relationship.

Perhaps he doesn’t let you near his phone? Or he never answers his phone when you’re around? He’s still playing the field.

He doesn’t take your calls, never calls back, takes ages to reply to messages? He’s forever flaking on plans? You don’t see him for days on end? There’s someone else.

Even as early as your first date you can get a strong indication of how things will turn out.

Like maybe you talked and talked. And in another life you’d be friends. You’re trying to convince yourself you felt something. But you didn’t really.

Or everything was a laugh, and pretty quickly you’re in the bedroom. Then everything instantly slows. He’s got what he came for. 

Maybe things are good – but not quite right. He’s hot and smart. And yet you’re still unsure. It’s not going to happen. You could date forever. But the two of you will never marry.

Or your first date was super intense, and he can’t see enough of you, calls all the time and says he loves you. You imagine a future. He actually talks about a future. You’re so happy. Then he suddenly disappears. He’s chasing someone else.

But if he’s really the one, then things will be different. You’re just being yourself and yet he’s still really into you. You have no doubts. Going grocery shopping together’s fun.

So it’s never the end of the world if a crush loses interest. Because you have to meet lots of guys before one really fits. But when one does, you’ll know…