We should believe survivors of sexual assault, not blame them

If you are raped, please spare us the noise and sit quietly in your raped-people corner. Whatever you do, do NOT speak about it. We don't want to hear it, and it isn't that hard to get over, is it? Plus, it's probably a lie.

If you cannot immediately emerge from your trauma to go to the police and instantly report the perpetrator of this heinous crime, then do not bother us with the details weeks or months from now because we won't believe you and do not particularly care for your salacious tale obviously meant to throw men everywhere into disrepute – because not all men, you know, and all that jazz.

Oh, you say the doctors sometimes treat you badly? Well that's entirely your problem, not ours. And the police at the station, because they're so experienced and good at their jobs, as well as interested in serving the people they are paid to protect, are usually very good at this sort of thing. They can quickly suss out whether or not this is a problem that needs their valuable time.


Speaking of perpetrators, wait until we hear the other side of the story so we can decide whether to believe you or not. You see, very often, if you check the statistics, women come out and decide that they want to sully men's reputation with accusations of sexual assault! Can you believe these brazen hussies? Just going around pointing fingers about a night they probably enjoyed, if we're being honest. You know how sometimes women play hard to get, and then, when the situation is far gone, they have the audacity to decide that they own their own bodies and can reclaim their consent.

That's nonsense. Everyone knows that men cannot control themselves past a certain point. Blue balls are NOT fun. In fact, there are studies that show that blue balls, sustained over the five minutes, repeatedly, of the resolution stage, can lead to certain death. It's true, I read it on the internet. Don't do that to the poor man. Sexual impulses kill!

As I was saying, these shameless women decide that they want to tell their stories months later because they want to get something from sharing their stories. It's all a game of profit and self-servitude. You wouldn't believe how many retweets these guys get for broadcasting their 'sexual assault'. They suddenly amass all these followers, just for reliving their trauma and being questioned about it by a wise and discerning online jury.


That's why we, dear readers, have to put them in their place and question everything they say – which they probably won't remember anyway, because they claim their brains shut down during the ordeal, because it is so horrible. Pff. A likely story.

Anyway, they only do it for popularity. They want to be famous, you know, as the girl who got raped. Don't you see? Their baring possibly the most painful part of their souls to a judgemental though unbiased public, knowing that most people won't believe them, having to answer questions 'victims' should answer because we have a right now (after all, why did they put it out there instead of going through our powerful legal system), being forced to plead for justice and their humanity, and proving that they were violated, is all for likes. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose! Duh!

Twitter: @AbigailArunga