JUST BRENDA: I wish my boyfriend had six-pack abs

The problem is that I'm attracted to a six-pack abs kind of guy.

What you need to know:

  • If the reason you want to let go of a man is that he does not meet your superficial expectations of beauty and body image, then you need to take a long hard look at what you think relationships are in the first place.
  • Do you have a problem to share with Just Brenda? E-mail: [email protected]


I've been in a relationship with a guy for about one year. He's pretty much a keeper and has the qualities every girl would want in a man for a long term relationship. The problem is that I'm attracted to a six-pack abs kind of guy, which he isn't. My colleague says I'm being immature about it and I could end up with a six pack who is abusive. Help!




You're being a child. Your colleague is right on the money. I am also wondering if you fit his expectations, or if he thinks you're simply too perfect?

Or is he the only one being subjected to these standards? If the reason you want to let go of a man is that he does not meet your superficial expectations of beauty and body image, then you need to take a long hard look at what you think relationships are in the first place.

If he gets fat, will you leave him? If he loses his car, or his job? Because clearly that's the type of person you are, and maybe you're not ready to be in an adult relationship. Do him a favour and grow up.


Do you have a problem to share with Just Brenda? E-mail: [email protected]