FKF should work with all for the growth of the game

What you need to know:

  • The only group that seems to need the motivational speakers most is Football Kenya Federation.

There is a new crop of motivational speakers in this country.

They have done much in companies and other organisations in this country; they have even inspired some lethargic workers to use their bicycles to try and pull huge lorries stuck in thick mud; they are motivated into sheer folly.

The only group that seems to need the motivational speakers most is Football Kenya Federation.

They need it and they don’t even seem to know it at all. We do not know if they have ever called these speakers and urged them to speak to their people in the counties. They should.

There was a friend who had a nasty accident and lost his right arm that had to be amputated.

He was so unhappy and thoughts of suicide wafted in his fevered mind. After recovery sans arm, he decided to throw himself from the top of a high-rise and end it all. Before he could accomplish his self-sacrifice, he met another fellow born without both arms.

This guy was dancing with a fixed grimace looking very happy.

Our suicidal friend stopped to ask him why he was happy while he was contemplating killing himself for lack of one arm. The seemingly happy man replied: “I am not dancing, nor am I happy. I only have this terrible itch on my behind and I don’t know how to scratch it!”

My friend is still alive after that simple and profound motivational speech. There are many FKF branches in this country that simply exist without even getting any thought of what should be done in their region to develop football.

They do nothing wrong so that we could chide them and likewise, the do no good so that we can laud them.

The Kisumu County decided to start a tournament dubbed: “Opich Pacho”. Finely translated it means “Our Football”.

These kinds of tourneys have helped a great deal in promoting youth football and nurturing the talents of young players. They have shown us what our youth can do in the field.

One could have thought that this would have jogged the conscience of the armless FKF Kisumu branch into saying eureka! It should have at least made them pretend to have given the thought to the county government. We would have wished them to look good and thump their chests while grimacing at having found a way to scratch their itchy bottoms that come with inactivity!

They did not take all those advantages. They simply stated that they had not been informed of the tournament. They warned that any coach, referee or player that takes part in it will all be punished accordingly. The fools!

In the end, they relented after having annoyed many people. We do know that FKF is the sole authority on football in this country.

What we demand is that they should recognise when other groups give them good ideas and support the same. Get some motivational speakers to the jokers in the lower cadres and this itch shall go away. That is the moral of the story.